Deep tech, engineering, research, design — The world needs your work, and your work deserves better tools.

This is Workbench

Caligra Workbench is a Linux®–based operating system made for technical workstations. It’s designed to get out of your way, so your team can deliver more. A performance–oriented UI provides a unique environment focused on improving developer experience.

An OS that Does Less

Your Work
Attack Surface
Your Work
Consumer Computing

We’ve removed the distractions, so it’s just you and your ideas. A clear space for deep thought. With a focus unlike anything available from big tech, Workbench is entirely dedicated to accelerating your work.

Uniquely Familiar

Workbench is productive on day one — you already know how to use it.
When you feel like moving faster, an array of shortcuts are waiting to help.

Built for Teams


Workbench is made for teams that value compliance, security, uptime, and velocity. Built–in device management helps you deploy and secure the perfect setup for every person on your project.

A Host of Options

Workbench is not a distribution – it’s an ideal host for containers and packages from open source and commercial repositories. Users with root can add packages from the Fedora project. Tools like distrobox make it easy to use software from any other distribution. And if you’re switching from Cupertino, just brew install as usual.

$ brew install sqlite

Computers for experts

Most people don’t write code or manage data, and consumer devices are designed accordingly.

But change isn’t made by most people. Progress comes from the people whose work improves our understanding and ability.

Scientists and artists. Engineers and designers. Hackers and painters.

We think the world needs a brand of computing that stands behind creative technical work, dedicated to creating instead of consuming.

Caligra is a new computer company. Our goal is to help you make the future.

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